According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), about 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids to hear better. If you’re one of the many Americans who has already chosen to wear them, congratulations! You’ve taken a big step toward hearing well and living well. But, how do you know when it’s time for new hearing aids? Healthy Hearing suggests you look at these 5 factors …
Has your hearing health or overall health changed?
Many people don’t realize that health conditions such as being overweight or having diabetes can impact their hearing as well. It’s important to schedule regular hearing tests with your audiologist or other hearing healthcare professional to make sure that your hearing aids are effectively meeting your hearing needs.
Are your current hearing aids more than 5 years old?
As with any other piece of technology, hearing aids aren’t meant to last forever. Over time and with steady use, they can break down, malfunction, and not be as effective as they once were. In addition, technology changes frequently. That means that hearing devices you purchased more than 5 years ago could be worn out or even obsolete.
Has your lifestyle significantly changed?
No matter who you are or where you live, it’s possible that lifestyle changes could dictate your need for new hearing aids. For example, maybe now you’ve retired and you spend much of your time at home. Perhaps basic hearing aid models could work just fine for you and be less of an expense.
On the other hand, if you find yourself being more active, socializing more, or working in a louder environment, new hearing aids that filter out background noise could be more beneficial. Either way, it’s good to periodically reevaluate your hearing aid needs based on your current lifestyle.
Does your financial situation look brighter?
When you were first diagnosed with hearing loss, you may not have been financially prepared to spend a significant amount of money on hearing healthcare. After all, new hearing aids can cost thousands of dollars if they’re not covered by health insurance, and not everyone has that kind of money lying around.
How is your financial outlook now that you’re a few years further down the road? Do you have money set aside in your budget for new hearing aids? Or, perhaps you have a higher paying job or extra funds from an income tax refund. Either way, your current financial situation may have improved and could make purchasing new hearing aids an affordable task.
How is your attitude toward hearing aids?
For many people, making the decision to seek help for their hearing is a big deal. And, choosing to wear hearing aids can be a life changing decision. In fact, studies show that some individuals wait up to 10 years after their first hearing loss diagnosis before taking the plunge and actually getting hearing aids.
Now that you’ve been enjoying the ability to hear better, has your attitude toward assistive hearing deviceschanged? If so, it could be time to get new hearing aids that will better meet your needs and lifestyle. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even find that you’re ready for new technology, like smartphone hearing aids, to get the best hearing possible.
New hearing aids could be just around the corner
If you’re still unsure whether you should purchase new hearing aids or simply have your current ones cleaned or adjusted, don’t worry. The audiologists here at Advanced Hearing Group are happy to help and will steer you in the direction that makes the most sense for your hearing and your budget. Schedule an appointment today and stay on the path toward better hearing!
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