Aural Rehabilitation – A Comprehensive Plan For Hearing Loss Treatment

Mar 15, 2019

aural rehabilitation

Some of
the best things in life go under-appreciated, until they’re gone. For example, can
you remember a time when you didn’t realize how much you cared about someone
until they were no longer around? The same is true of our bodily senses,
especially sight or hearing. In the case of hearing loss, changes are often so gradual that you
don’t even know there’s a problem until it’s too late to prevent it.

What is aural rehabilitation?

young or old, individuals with hearing loss often find it challenging to adjust
to this change in their health and the way it impacts everyday life. Aural rehabilitation is the process by
which hearing loss is diagnosed and treated, including various therapies and
assistive hearing devices.

Components of aural rehabilitation

Since every
individual with hearing loss is unique, so is their treatment, but hearing
professionals generally include some combination of the following areas as part
of a comprehensive aural rehabilitation plan:

  1. Types of hearing loss – Different treatment options are
    available for different types of hearing impairment. The severity of hearing
    loss, type (sensorineural, conductive, etc.), and duration (temporary or
    permanent), often dictates the best treatment modality.
  2. Family involvement – Having a support system of individuals who
    understand your hearing loss can be a huge benefit as you seek to adjust to the
    change yourself. Well-informed family and friends can even be part of the
    treatment, including learning new communication strategies and helping to set
    up a hearing-friendly environment. When they learn to speak slowly and clearly,
    your brain will be better able to process what you hear, allowing you to have
    meaningful social interactions.
  3. Hearing aids – If your hearing test has concluded that you
    do have hearing loss, your audiologist may prescribe hearing aids. Just having the devices,
    however, doesn’t mean that your hearing will instantly improve. Knowing how to use them, how to make minor
    adjustments when needed, and how to properly maintain them is all part of the
    aural education process.
  4. Learning to listen – Many people wait a long time before seeking
    treatment for their hearing loss. Because of this, there is often an adjustment
    period when the brain is re-learning how to listen to and interpret sounds that
    it hasn’t heard in a while. This learning process can be shortened if you seek
    treatment early, before your hearing loss progresses too far.
  5. Visual cues – When one sense is impaired, other senses can
    fill in the gaps, but only if they are trained to do so. Aural rehabilitation
    includes learning new strategies, such as lip reading or body language, to help
    make up for what you’re unable to hear.
  6. Assistive listening devices – Hearing aids are not
    the only devices that are used to help the hearing impaired. Modern technology
    also includes other assistive listening

    that work with hearing aids, or independently, to improve hearing in many
    different environments.

No matter what level of hearing loss or impairment you have, a hearing professional can design an aural rehabilitation plan that is tailored to your specific wants and needs. Schedule an appointment with an audiologist today and get on the road to better hearing.

Learn More about Advanced Hearing Group

The post Aural Rehabilitation – A Comprehensive Plan For Hearing Loss Treatment appeared first on Hear Well – Live Well.

Source: Hear Well-Live Well Blog

Aural Rehabilitation – A Comprehensive Plan For Hearing Loss Treatment was last modified: March 15th, 2019 by joey

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