Healthy Hearing 101 – How An Audiologist Can Help

Healthy Hearing 101 – How An Audiologist Can Help

As one of your five basic senses, hearing is one of the ways in which you gather and interpret stimuli to make sense of the world around you. Keeping all of your senses in working order is beneficial for being able to have an accurate assessment of your surroundings...
Your Guide to Safely Driving with Hearing Loss

Your Guide to Safely Driving with Hearing Loss

Driving is an activity of daily living that many of us value and with it, comes a sense of independence. Knowing that you have the power to go where you want without having to depend on someone else. The ability to drive, however, can be affected by your bodily...

Headphone Use and Hearing Loss in Children

Is there a correlation between hearing loss and headphone use? Research within the last few years has certainly found a connection between hearing loss and listening to electronic devices through headphones. One study of 3,000 children found that those who listened to...